Our Aussie Experience - St Kilda

Family at St Kilda Pier
From bathing boxes, we went to St Kilda. The journey took only 5-10 minutes by car to reach St Kilda Pier. By the time we reached the pier, it was already 7pm, but the day was still all bright....remember, it was summer in Australia, so daytime is longer than night time. It's a definitely an advantage to explore Melbourne in December.

The reason we came here was because of the yacth and penguin. People said that penguin would come home here at night...so we watch them for free.

Ok enough said. Just enjoy our photos at St Kilda.

As usual, family photo time

Me and my two bodyguards

The background is the city

The weather was so nice


at Royal Melbourne Yacth Club

Aiman enjoying the serene moment

Me with the city in the background

My husband is at "Penguin Watch"

It was 8.00pm...still waiting for the penguins to come home

Next is about our kids experience at Melbourne Museum and Parks

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