Iowa City

My first experience living abroad became a reality when I was offered a JPA scholarship to do my degree in computer science in USA in 1989 - 1993. I was chosen to study at University of Iowa, Iowa City IA 52240. 

I had many photos during my stay there, but at the time, none of the photos were digitised, so most of my photos were already lost or damaged. 

This is University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA. Three pictures below are courtesy from Google.

This is the landmark of University of Iowa

Overview of University of Iowa in Iowa City

Iowa City in winter

Below are some old pictures which I managed to recover:
Old picture recovered - taken in Summer 1993

My husband also studied at the same university

Another old picture taken in front of Student Union, University of Iowa, in Summer 1993

Me at the university

in the city centre - my route from house to classes everyday

with K Ailis (who is now a VP of a takaful company) and Aini, my roommate (who is now a lecturer at UiTM Kedah)

with Aini (left) and Yan (right) in a winter night

inside one building at the university

at Niagara Fall

with K Nani (left) and K Is (who is now a professor in UKM)

at the border of US and Canada

My graduation day at University of Iowa - in winter